I did a show at Ruby’s Clay Studio fun San Francisco in 2019, just before leaving pottery and the US for 6 months in Australia. The inspiration was igneous intrusions, those streaks of rock in a contrasting bed of different colored rock, like when you find a seam of quartz that seeped through a bed of dark granite.

The show included some mugs (now on my Etsy page: LarryCarbonePottery, since you were about to ask). The loopy, squiggly handles are something of a signature of mine, when they stay attached through the drying and two firings. I leave the outside mostly unglazed, so the contrasting seams of colored clay show through for that geological feeling with my morning coffee. My favorite place for camping is Joshua Tree park, for the birds and the Joshua Trees and the lizards and jackrabbits — and the Wonderland of Rocks with its igneous intrusions

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