
Book: What Animals Want: Expertise and Advocacy in Laboratory Animal Welfare Policy. 2004. Larry Carbone.  Oxford University Press, New York    Book

Submitted/In Press/In Progress:

“Ethical Considerations” Invited chapter with co-author Adam Shriver for Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Animals, 4th ed. P Jirkof, J Lofgren, PA Flecknell, and DSJ Pang, eds. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.  In press

“Human-Animal Interactions in the Animal Laboratory.” Invited chapter with co-authors Lesley Sharp, Amy Robinson-Junker and Garet Lahvis for The Routledge Handbook on Human Animal Interactions, Interventions and Anthrozoology. Aubrey H. Fine, Megan Mueller, Zenithson Ng, Jose M. Peralta and Alan Beck, eds.  Taylor & Francis/Routledge. In press

“Justification for the Use of Animals” Larry Carbone, Invited chapter with Kristina Cataline in The IACUC Handbook, 4rd ed. M Suckow & S Murthy, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

“Outsiders Inside: Citizens and Scholars in Animal Research” invited commentary in The Animal Research Nexus. Gail Davies, Beth Greenhough, Pru Hobson-West, Rob Kirk, Alexandra Palmer, and Emma Roe, eds. Manchester University Press.  The project

“Publication of Surgical Models without Post-surgical Analgesia” Larry Carbone and Melanie L. Graham. Journal of Investigative Surgery.   2022    Submitted


“Laboratory Animals” Invited chapter for Ethics in Veterinary Practice: Balancing Conflicting Interests. B. Kipperman, B Rollin, eds. Wiley-Blackwell. 2022. link

“Animals in Experiments” Invited chapter for Routledge Companion for Environmental Ethics, Benjamin Hale & Andrew Light, eds. Routledge, New York, NY.  2022   Book

“Open Transparent Communication about Animals in Laboratories: Dialog for Multiple Voices and Multiple Audiences”  Larry Carbone. Animals  11(2): 368-389. 2021 link  

“Estimating mouse and rat use in American laboratories by extrapolation from Animal Welfare Act-regulated species.” Larry Carbone. Scientific Reports  11, 493. 2021  link

“Do ‘Prey Species’ Hide their Pain from Us? Implications for ethical care and use of laboratory animals.”  Larry Carbone. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics. 2020 2(2):216-236. link

“Ethical and IACUC Considerations Regarding Analgesia and Pain Management in Laboratory Rodents.” Larry Carbone. Comparative Medicine.  2019  69(6):443-450. link

“Invited Commentary” in Principles of Research Animal Ethics by Tom L. Beauchamp and David De Grazia. Oxford University Press.  2019  book

“Applied Ethics in Animal Experimentation” in Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. Bob Fischer, ed.  Taylor & Francis/Routledge.  2019  link

“The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals” C Elkhoraibi, A Robinson-Junker, G Alvino, L Carbone. in Mental Health and Well-being in Animals, 2nd ed.  Franklin McMillan, ed. Wiley. 2019  link

“Less than full analgesia can leave significant pain under-treated (response to Protocol Review column)” Larry Carbone. Lab Animal (NY) 49(5):5. 2020  link

 “Declining Permission for Unproductive Studies: Time for Another Look (response to Protocol Review column)” Alison Cowell and Larry Carbone. Lab Animal. 47:220. 2018  article

“A Model Curriculum for the Study of Animal Welfare in Colleges and Schools of Veterinary Medicine.” LK Lord, ST Millman, L Carbone, N Cook, A Fisher, D McKeegan, D Morton, E Pajor, JM Peralta, SA Robertson, J Siegford, PG Egrie, TY Mashima, PV Turner, GC Golab, E Patterson-Kane. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 250(6): 632-640. March 15, 2017    Article

“A Good Death?: Report of the Second Newcastle Consensus Meeting on Laboratory Animal Euthanasia.” P Hawkins, MJ Prescott, L Carbone, N Dennison, J Makowska, N Marquardt, G Readman, D Weary and H Golledge. Animals. 6(9) August 2016.  Article

“Pain and Laboratory Animals: Publication Practices for Better Data Reproducibility and Better Animal Welfare.” Larry Carbone and Jamie Austin. PLOS One. May 12, 2016. 11(5):e0155001 Article  

“Letter to Editor re: Russell and Burch’s 3Rs then and now: the need for clarity in definition and purpose. (Tannenbaum and Bennett)” Larry Carbone. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science 54(4): 351-2. 2015  link

“Justification for the Use of Animals” Larry Carbone, Invited chapter in The IACUC Handbook, 3rd ed. J Silverman, M Suckow & S Murthy, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2014 link

“Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Considerations for Animal Models of Peripheral Neuropathy.” Thea Brabb, Larry Carbone, Jessica Snyder & Nona Phillips.The ILAR Journal 54(3): 331-339. 2014   Article

“Euthanasia and Laboratory Animal Welfare.” Larry Carbone in Laboratory Animal Welfare, 2013. K. Bayne and P.V. Turner, eds. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. pp. 157-170 link

“Platelet Aggregation in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Response to Short Term Meloxicam Administration” Keith E. Anderson, Jamie Austin, Evelyn P. Escobar and Larry Carbone. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science 52(5): 590-594. 2013  Article

“Approve the Amendment (response to Protocol Review column)” Larry Carbone. Lab Animal. 42:161-162. 2013 Article

“The Utility of Basic Animal Research.” Larry Carbone The Hastings Center Report. Special volume 42 (6): Animal research ethics: Evolving views and practices.  S12-S15. 2012  abstract

“Assessing the duration of action of a proprietary sustained-release buprenorphine formulation in two strains of mice.”  Elizabeth T. Carbone, Krista E. Lindstrom, Sandy Diep, Larry Carbone. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science 51(6): 815-819. 2012  link

“Pain Management Standards in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory AnimalsLarry Carbone. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science, 51(3): 322-328. 2012.  Article

“Assessing Cervical Dislocation as a Humane Euthanasia Method in Mice.”  Larry Carbone, Elizabeth T. Carbone, Elizabeth Yi,, Diana Bauer, Krista Lindstrom, John M. Parker, Jamie A. Austin, Youngho Seo, James Wilkerson. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science 51(3): 352-356. 2012  Article

Pain in Laboratory Animals: the Ethical and Regulatory Imperatives” Larry Carbone, PloS One, 2011, e21578  Article

“Donor Myocardial Infarction Impairs the Therapeutic Potential of Bone Marrow Cells by an Interleukin-1-Mediated Inflammatory Response” X Wang, J Takagawa, VC Lam, DJ Haddad, DL Tobler, PY Mok, Y Zhang, BT Clifford, K Pinnamaneni, SA. Saini, R Su, MJ Bartel, RE Sievers, L Carbone, S Kogan, Y Yeghiazarians, M Hermiston, ML Springer, Science Translational Medicine 3(100): e100ra90. 2011.  Article

“The Effect of Multimodal Analgesia on Success of Mouse Embryo Transfer Surgery”John M. Parker, Jamie Austin, Nigel Killeen, James Wilkerson and Larry Carbone. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science, 50(4): 466-470. 2011.  Article

 “Soiled Bedding Sentinels for the Detection of Fur Mites in Mice” Krista E Lindstrom, Larry G Carbone,Danielle E Kellar, Melinda S Mayorga and James D Wilkerson. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Science 1(1): 54-60. 2011    Link

“Expertise & Advocacy in Animal Welfare Decision-Making: Considerations for a Veterinary Curriculum in Animal Welfare” Larry Carbone. J of Vet Medical Education, 37(1): 36-39. 2010  Article

“Animal Models and Animal Welfare” Larry Carbone in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2010  M. Bekoff, ed. Greenwood Press, Santa Barbara CA. book

“Euthanasia” Larry Carbone in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2010  M. Bekoff, ed. Greenwood Press, Santa Barbara CA.

“Laboratory Animal Welfare” Larry Carbone in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2010  M. Bekoff, ed. Greenwood Press, Santa Barbara CA.

“Measurement and Mitigation of Laboratory Animal Distress: Sources of Distress in the Animal Laboratory.” Laboratory Experiments. 21.  White paper for the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy Animal Studies Repository. Article.

“Ethical Issues” Larry Carbone and Nelson L. Garnett, in Anesthesia and Analgesia for Laboratory Animals, 2nd ed. 2008 RE Fish, MJ Brown, PJ Danneman, and AZ Karas, eds. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. book

“A Dog is a Dog (response to Protocol Review column)”  Larry Carbone. Lab Animal. 37(11):490-491. 2008.  article

“Considerations for determining optimal mouse caging density” Charmaine Foltz, Larry Carbone, David Delong, Bernard E. Rollin, Pascalle Van Loo, Julia Whitaker and Axel Wolff. Lab Animal. 36(10):40-49. 2007. article

“Animal Welfare in the Laboratory: A case study in secular ethics of human-animal interaction.” Larry Carbone, in Tactical Biopolitics: Theory and practice @ Life. Science. Art. 2008. Kavita Philip and Beatriz da Costa, eds., MIT Press, Cambridge.  Book  Chapter

“Animals in Research” Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, M. Bekoff, ed.; Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2007.  book

“Laboratory Animal Welfare” Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, M. Bekoff, ed.; Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2007.

“Animal Euthanasia”  Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, M. Bekoff, ed.; Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2007.

“Animal Models”  Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships, M. Bekoff, ed.; Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2007.

“Justification for the Use of Animals” Larry Carbone, in The IACUC Handbook, 2nd ed. J Silverman, MA Suckow and S Murthy, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2006. 

“Cancer Research and Clinical Trials in Action: An Important Exercise Before you Embark on Your Study” Stanley P. Leong, Larry Carbone, and Scott Kurtzman, in Cancer Clinical Trials: Proactive Strategies. Stanley P. Leong, ed. Springer Press, 2006.   Book

“Report of the Working Group on Animal Distress in the Laboratory” Marilyn Brown, Larry Carbone, Kathleen M. Conlee, Marian S. Dawkins, Ian J. Duncan, David Fraser, Gilly Griffin, Victoria A. Hampshire, Lesley A. Lambert, Joy A. Mench, David Morton, Jon Richmond, Bernard E. Rollin, Andrew N. Rowan, Martin L. Stephens, Hanno Würbel. Lab Animal. 35(8):26-30. 2006.  Article

“Report of the workshop on euthanasia guidelines and practices.” Larry Carbone, Vera Baumans and David B. Morton. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals (ATLA),32, Supplement 1, 445-446. 2004  Article

“Adoption Options for Laboratory Animals” Larry Carbone, Luce Guanzini and Cary McDonald. Lab Animal 32(9): 37-41.  2003  Article

Who Will Speak for Animals? Expertise and Advocacy in Animal Welfare Policy. Doctoral dissertation (unpublished). Cornell University. 2000. UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, MI. 488 pp.   Dissertation

“Expert knowledge and animal welfare: The epistemology of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory AnimalsLarry Carbone Between the Species: An electronic journal for the study of philosophy and animal. ( 2002

“The Effect of Castration on Rabbits Housed in Littermate Pairs”  Erin B. Kalagassy, Lawrence G. Carbone and Katherine A. Houpt.  Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2 (2): 111-121.  1999   Abstract

“Euthanasia” Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, M Bekoff and C. Meaney, eds.  Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.  pp. 164-6.  1998  book

“Veterinarians” Larry Carbone, in Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, M Bekoff and C. Meaney, eds.  Greenwood Publishing Group.  pp. 353-4.  1998  book

“Proteinuric hypertension in a pregnant baboon: Was this pre-eclampsia?” M. M. Ramsay, J. D. Tame, J. A. Winter, L. G. Carbone, D. H. Schlafer and P. W. Nathanielsz. Journal of Medical Primatology.  26:207-212. 1997   Abstract

“The public life of dogs: Dogs in the Animal Welfare Act” Larry Carbone, Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics Newsletter, 3(3), supplement, 14-16. 1997

“Death by Decapitation: A case study of the scientific definition of animal welfare” Lawrence G. Carbone, Society and Animals, 5(3), 239-256.1997  article

“Adoption of Research Animals” Larry Carbone, Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter, 7 (3-4): pp. 1-2, 9-10, 1997

“Cutting up skills: Estimating difficulty as an element of surgical and other abilities”  Trevor Pinch, H.M. Collins and Larry Carbone, pages 101-112 in Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in U.S. Settings, SR Barley and J Orr, eds. ILR Press, Ithaca, NY. 1997

“Inside knowledge: second order measures of skill” H. M. Collins, Trevor Pinch and Larry CarboneThe Sociological Review. 4(2): 163-186. May 1996  Abstract

 “Swine”  A Bay, L Carbone, W Frank and F Quimby, in The Experimental Animal in Biomedical Research, vol. 2.  B Rollin and ML Kesel, eds.  Boca Raton, CRC Press. 1995  Book

“Arboreal and Terrestrial Mammal Trapping on Gigante Peninsula, Barro Colorado National Monument, Panama.”  D McClearn, J Kohler, KJ McGowan, E Cedeno, LG Carbone and D Miller.  Biotropica. 26 (2): 208-213. 1994.  Article

 “A Cytotoxicity Assay for Clostridium spiroforme Enterotoxin in Cecal Fluid of Rabbits” Mark T. Butt, Rebecca E. Pappendick, Larry G. Carbone and Fred W. Quimby. Laboratory Animal Science. 44(1): 52-54. February 1994.   Abstract

“Dogs: Laboratory Animal Management”  National Research Council, Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Washington DC. 1994. Edited by Fred W. Quimby et al. with 27 contributing authors. 1994    Book

“Treatment of Experimentally Induced Trichinosis in Dogs and Cats”  DD Bowman, RA Darigrand, MK Frongillo, SC Barr, JA Flanders and LG Carbone. Amer. J. Vet. Research  54(8): 1303-1305. August 1993   Abstract

“Tissue Deposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Cats Fed Atlantic Bluefish”   LG Carbone, DK Alo, WH Gutenmann and DJ Lisk.   The Cornell Veterinarian.  81(3): 259-265.  July 1991.  Abstract

“Effects of Injectable Ivermectin for the Control of Ear Mites (Psoroptes cuniculi) in Naturally Infected Rabbits”   DD Bowman, ML Fogelson and LG Carbone.   Amer. J. Vet. Research  53(1): 105-109. January 1992  Abstract

 “Veterinary Ethics” Book review.  Anthrozoos Fall 1989, Vol. III, Number 2.